Επαναπροώθηση ΛΣ-ΕΛΑΚΤ Σύμη 13/8/2020

  • Date of incident: 13-8-2020
  • Location: Symi Island
  • Law enforcement involved: Greek Coast Guard
  • Number of people pushed back: 83
  • Nationalities: –
  • How many had documents for sure: –
  • Demographics (women, children, etc): –
  • Method of expulsion: Left adrift at the sea
  • Documenting organisation: Aegean Boat Report
  • Description: Greek coast guard left them drifting helpless in the sea at night.

Aegean Boat Report

August 14

Last night at 22.30, Turkish coast guard picked up 83 people from 3 life rafts that was drifting inside Turkish waters south east of Datça, Turkey. The two smaller life rafts have a max capacity of 12 people, the bigger one was, as you can see in the pictures, packed with people. 

Greek coast guard once again puts people’s lives at risk, leaving them drifting helpless in the sea at night. This time it was the Greek coast guard based on the island of Symi, who had left them at sea. It’s time that we tell them what we think about it, it’s time for them to explain!

Many of Aegean Boat Report’s followers have in the past asked “what can we do?”, “how can we stop this?”, and the usual reply was, you can spread the news, share the info. It’s obviously not enough, now the gloves are off, it’s time to take action in a more direct way!

Aegean Boat Report calls upon all followers to participate, to make your voice heard, together this voice can make a difference! Pick up your phone and call the port authority of Symi, and demand answers! They will deny any involvement in illegal activities, but we know they are lying!

Port police Symi: +30 22460 71205

We need them to understand that we don’t tolerate this any longer, and that there are many people all over the world that are watching what they are doing. One call will not change anything, but if 100 people call, 1000 people, perhaps they will start to understand that we do not tolerate this any longer!

To call any public authority number is a common right, without any conditions or clauses, it’s fully legal activity that can be taken by anyone without any legal consequences. ABR has consulted Greek lawyers on the matter, and it’s totally legal. But ABR ask you to stay clear of all Emergancy channel’s, don’t flood European Emergancy numbers, only use numbers provided her!

Aegean Boat Report will from now on, in every case regarding pushbacks and other illegal activities, publish the Port Police number of the area the incident has taken place, so that people can call to demand answers. The more people that call these numbers, asking questions, the better. At some point they will understand that we will not stop before they do!

These violations of international laws and human rights has been going on for to long, blessed and financed by Europe. The presence of NATO and FRONTEX is massive in the Aegean Sea, they all know what is going on every single day, but they do nothing, they just watch. 

It’s time we make them listen, it’s time to step up and demand answers, it’s time for YOU to take action!!

Call port police of Symi, tell them how you feel, make your voice heard!

Port police Symi : +30 22460 71205