Report on EYP’s activities: demonization of migration as a threat to the country and targeting of the activities of organizations defending human rights


Press Release


Athens, 10 December 2023

“Illegal” immigration is described as the fourth in a row threat to the country’s security by the National Intelligence Agency (EYP) in its 2022 – 2023 activity report recently published by the Agency.[1]

In the first ever report in its history that it has compiled, although, as it says, “for a number of reasons that refer to our troubled history of civil wars and dictatorial, or even authoritarian, regimes, the EYP still has a lot of work to do to attain in the common consciousness the position it should have as a national state institution in the service of the state and the people as a whole”, the Agency again seems to adhere to the logic of fabricating internal enemies that threaten the security of the country.

Thus, successively, following external threats, espionage activities, terrorism and violent extremism, it is “illegal” immigration that threatens the security of the country, in fact, ahead from organized crime and cybersecurity.

According to the Agency, this threat lies in the “instrumentalisation of the drama of thousands of people seeking a better fate by unscrupulous traffickers and illegal organized crime rings, acting with the tolerance, encouragement or cooperation of third parties, both governmental and non-governmental,” thus leading to “difficult to manage situations with a wider social and deeply human dimension”.

It is indeed of concern that an Agency whose purpose is “to prevent, deter, contain and neutralize the espionage and militant threat in order to protect the country and defend national interests” includes “illegal” immigration as one of the main threats to the country’s security. This is all the more so when this irregular – ‘illegal’ according to the Service – immigration leads to the granting of international protection status to 66.5 % of all applicants, according to the official data available, in fact from the first instance procedure,[2] and has a broader social and profoundly human dimension.

The Agency even boasts that “during the period covered by this report, … it has been instrumental …. in documenting and establishing the controversial, even criminal, role of certain members of NGOs.”

Moreover, although the Agency states that it was primarily concerned with “attempts to infiltrate migrant populations with terrorist elements, their radicalizing tendencies and their use for destabilizing actions”, two of the three examples which it mentions in the report that it provided its services relate to cases of criminalization of NGO members’ actions.

As members of the Civil Society who are fighting, struggling and supporting the right to asylum of all persecuted people who peacefully attempt to seek protection in our country and consequently throughout Europe, we cannot but be concerned by the targeting, once again, of organizations involved in supporting refugees and migrants by state agencies, especially by the EYP. The equation of NGOs involved in supporting refugees and migrants with external threats, espionage activities, terrorist organizations or organized crime cannot but infuriate us.

The report on the activities of the EYP is yet another attempt to demonize and devalue[3] the work of those who attempt to defend human rights in our country.[4] Treating immigration as a threat to the security of the country provides an alibi for further targeting and criminalizing the actions of individuals and organizations defending human rights, targeting migrants and refugees, dangerously fostering xenophobia and racism, and undermining the right of access to asylum, thus damaging the foundations of the post-war rule of law, which is the most important achievement in the history of civilization.

CO-SIGNATORIES (in alphabetical order)

  1. ARSIS-Social Organization for Youth Support http:/
  2. Equal Rights Beyond Borders
  3. Fenix Humanitarian Legal Aid
  4. Greek Council for Refugees
  5. Greek Forum of Migrants
  6. Greek Forum of Refugees
  7. Greek Helsinki Monitor
  8. HIAS
  9. Initiative of Lawyers and Jurists for Democratic Rights
  10. Legal Centre Lesvos
  11. Mobile Info Team
  12. Network for Children’s Rights
  13. Network for the Social Support of Refugees and Migrants
  14. Refugee Legal Support (RLS)
  15. “To Mov” Panhellenic Women’s Rights Association
  16. World without Wars and Violence

[1]Εθνική Υπηρεσία Πληροφοριών Ετήσια Έκθεση Σεπτέμβριος 2022 – Αύγουστος 2023(in Greek only)

[2] With another 26.1% not receiving status on procedural grounds and only 7.4% having their application rejected on substantive grounds. See. Statistics on International Protection Annex A of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum Decade Jan – Oct 2023 in

[3]Press Release of the Campaign for the Access to Asylum dated 2 June 2023 “Stop the smear campaign against human rights defenders in Greece”
Press Release of the Campaign for the Access to Asylum dated 19 December 2022–“Witch-hunt against defenders of human rights in complete reversal of reality”

[4]Press Release of the Campaign for the Access to Asylum dated 6 October 2022–“Stop immediately the pushbacks that endanger human lives and discredit the country internationally”
Press Release of the Campaign for the Access to Asylum dated 16 March 2021 –“Illegal pushbacks, Lives at risk, NGOs under prosecution: Investigations on pushbacks at the EU level, targeting of those highlighting them in Greece”

Greek version

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